Do you have people who are champions for your family and marriage?
Who do you turn to in times of trouble?
We were NOT meant to do this life alone. We were NOT meant to bear our burdens all alone. We are meant to be in community and not just attend church.
Learning to be the church means getting messy doing life with people. It means you will get hurt. It means you will need to forgive. It means you will need to get real about who you are… mess and all.
If you do not find a team you will get tired and you will want to give up. If you do not find a team you will get lonely and bored with life. If you do not find a team you will be floating around with no deep roots and connections.
So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith. –Galatians 6:10 MSG
Building a team takes time.
Building a team takes patience.
Building a team takes grace.
Building team takes forgiveness.
Building a team takes persistence.
Building a team takes pursuing friendships.
You will get hurt.
You will have your feathers ruffled.
But, building a team sets you up to do life with people which is the most transformational thing you can do in this life here on earth.
Not everyone was meant to be on your team or will stay on your team forever. Some will be for a season or a reason. Few will be for life.
Who is your home team?
If you do not have a home team it is time to start building one today!
The post Building Your Team appeared first on Ronel Sidney.